Xinhua Institute, the think tank of Xinhua News Agency released a series of research reports to a global audience from 2021 to 2023. We have compiled them here for reference by all sectors.

1. Pursuing Common Values of Humanity -- China's Approach to Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights

China's governance under the CPC has led to notable economic and social progress, diverging from Western democratic norms. Emphasizing a "whole-process democracy," China prioritizes practical outcomes and the well-being of its populace, fostering a unique model of governance that values gradual progress and national conditions. This approach reflects an innovative form of socialist democracy, highlighting China's contribution to the global understanding of democratic practices.

2. People First: Political Commitment of the Century-old Communist Party of China

The Communist Party of China (CPC) has grown from a small group to the world's largest political party, credited with significant national transformations. This report delves into the CPC's unique governance model and its strong public support, emphasizing the party's deep-rooted connection with the Chinese people. It highlights the CPC's principles of prioritizing the people, effective governance, and shared development, which have been key to its sustained success and public trust. The CPC's experience offers insights for diverse political systems, affirming that genuine public support is the ultimate measure of a party's legitimacy.

3. China Poverty Alleviation Studies: A Political Economy Perspective

In 2020, China's historic eradication of absolute poverty marked a significant milestone, achieving the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals a decade in advance. This success story gave rise to "Chinese Poverty Alleviation Studies," which delve into the country's innovative strategies guided by President Xi Jinping's principles. The approach emphasizes a "pro-poor market" system where government, market, and society collaborate to foster equitable development. China's model, blending political economy theories with practical measures, offers valuable insights for global poverty reduction efforts, embodying the principle that no one should be left behind in the fight against poverty.

4. For a Life of Contentment -- The Rationale for China's Human Rights Development

China's human rights philosophy, influenced by Confucian values and a people-centered approach, integrates traditional wisdom with Marxist principles and global insights. Under the Communist Party's leadership, China prioritizes the fundamental rights to subsistence and development, viewing a content life as the ultimate human right. This unique path emphasizes development and common prosperity, contributing significantly to the global human rights dialogue.

5. Toward Modernity: The Value of Xi Jinping's Economic Thought

Guided by Xi Jinping's leadership, China has navigated significant economic transformations, aligning Marxist principles with its unique development path. Xi Jinping's economic thought has propelled China to substantial growth, overcoming global challenges and achieving milestones like eradicating absolute poverty. This approach emphasizes innovation, resilience, and high-quality development, setting a model for modern socialist progress. The report encapsulates the essence of Xi Jinping's economic strategies, highlighting their impact on China's advancement and their broader implications for global development.

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6. The “Second Integration” That Transform China — Theoretical Innovation and Practice in Building the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation

Helmut Schmidt praised the resurgence of Chinese culture, which underpins China's rapid economic and social stability. Xi Jinping credits this to China's ancient civilization, essential for its unique socialist path. The "Second Integration," blending Marxism with China's cultural heritage, guides China's rejuvenation and global harmony. This synthesis revitalizes China's cultural identity, offering a novel governance model and contributing to global stability, epitomizing China's modern approach to cultural governance in the 21st century.

7. Origins, Facts and Perils of U.S. Military Hegemony

The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2021, ending America's longest war, and the 20th anniversary of the Iraq invasion underscore the strategic failures and global repercussions of U.S. military actions. With a history marked by constant warfare, the U.S. has engaged in numerous conflicts, maintaining a global military presence with bases in over 80 countries. The pursuit of military hegemony, driven by doctrines like Manifest Destiny and American exceptionalism, has led to widespread destruction, violation of sovereignty, and humanitarian crises, challenging global peace and stability. This report critically examines the U.S.'s aggressive military posture, its impacts on global order, and the need to reassess such hegemonic practices.

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8. The Practical Achievements and Global Contributions of the Global Development Initiative

The report discusses the Global Development Initiative (GDI), introduced by Chinese President Xi Jinping as a response to worldwide developmental challenges, particularly in developing nations. It showcases over 30 international cooperation projects, underscoring the GDI's significant achievements in the past two years. Highlighting the initiative's alignment with the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the report emphasizes the GDI's role in fostering a new, inclusive, and sustainable model of international development cooperation. It advocates for economic revitalization through technological innovation, equitable global governance, and a collective effort towards a global development community with a shared future, aiming for universal benefit, balance, and common prosperity.

9. For the Common Value and Dignity of All Humanity

Under Xi Jinping's leadership, China has advanced a people-centered human rights approach, merging universal principles with its unique context to create a path fitting its national conditions. Significant achievements in poverty eradication, education, social security, and healthcare highlight China's domestic human rights progress. Internationally, China contributes to global human rights through active UN participation and initiatives promoting security, development, and cooperation. These efforts underscore China's commitment to a peaceful, inclusive global human rights environment, aligning with its vision for a global community with a shared future.

10. The Belt and Road Development Studies——A Synergy Approach to Global Development

Since its inception in 2013 by President Xi Jinping, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has grown significantly, with over 150 countries and 30 international organizations participating, fostering widespread international and academic interest. This report introduces "Belt and Road Development Studies" as a new field of social science, aimed at understanding and promoting global development through the BRI's principles of inclusivity, cooperation, and sustainable development. It emphasizes a "CEC synergy approach" focusing on Connection, Enablement, and Coordination to address global development challenges, advocating for a more equitable resource allocation and mutual growth among participants. This approach, aligning with the goals of economic globalization and the UN 2030 Agenda, offers a fresh perspective on global development and governance, suggesting a cooperative path towards a community with a shared future for humanity.

11. The Humanomics in the New Era

On China's first National Ecology Day in 2023, Anji County's transformation into a green economy model exemplified the human-centric approach of "humanomics" in modern Chinese development. Guided by Xi Jinping's thought, this approach integrates humanistic values with economic modernization, emphasizing people's well-being, cultural prosperity, and harmonious coexistence with nature. Anji's success in turning environmental assets into economic and cultural gains highlights the practical application of humanomics, aiming for a balanced development that benefits all. This new paradigm, deeply rooted in traditional Chinese values, offers insights into achieving modernization that prioritizes human and cultural elements alongside economic growth, presenting a model for global development.

12. For a Better World -- Looking at the past decade of jointly pursuing the 'Belt and Road' Initiative from a human rights perspective

Launched in 2013 by President Xi Jinping, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has fostered extensive international cooperation, aiming to build a community with a shared future for humanity. Over the past decade, the BRI has involved over 150 countries and 30 international organizations, investing nearly one trillion dollars in numerous projects, creating jobs, and significantly reducing poverty. As a platform for global cooperation and a vehicle for promoting human rights through development, the BRI addresses critical challenges like hunger, poverty, and infrastructure deficits, contributing to narrowing the development gap and enhancing global human rights governance with China's insights.